Of Mer and Men|A Theorum on the Origins of Mer and Men and its Relation to the Mythos of Aldmeris and Altmora

Of Mer and Men
A Theorum on the Origins of Mer and Men and its Relation
to the Mythos of Aldmeris and Altmora


A Dissertation and Proposal Submitted to
the Synod Grand Council of the Arcane University of Cyrodiil


Alexine LeBlanc, Apprentice Loremaster
Synod Researcher, Scholar, Mystic Archive Archivist


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Advancement
To Replace the late Gavros Plinius as Attendant to First Adjunct Oronrel


Rain’s Hand 4E 202


Every fact and conjecture brought forth within this dissertation can be referenced within other literature and literary works that are readily available to Apprentices within the Mystic Archives of the Arcane University as of Rain’s Hand 4E 202. If a scholar or researcher is reading this dissertation, I would highly suggest that the research materials listed within the REFERENCES section are read and studied thoroughly for I shall not go into as much detail on particular events and information covered by those works.


Aldmeris, which translates to Old Ehlnofey in Ehlnofex [1], is a very illusive subject to penetrate. Few records exist of this now lost land and most accounts that we currently possess are from stories that have been passed down between Altmer to Altmer, from generation to generation. What limited information we do have is that during the late Dawn Era, an Aldmer (Not to be confused with Altmer) by the name of Torinaan set sail from Aldmeris to escape a “doom oblivious” which led to the discovery of Auridon in the Summerset Archipelago [2]. Other than this vague information about an Aldmer lord seeking refuge and discovering Auridon, there is nothing stable that I have found which contains any additional information about what events transpired in Aldmeris that led to its “doom”, leaving it to be the oldest mystery in our known history. Any research I have done to further unravel the mystery of Aldmeris has always led me to dead ends and brick walls, however my research into other lost lands may have manifested a door that leads to the secret of Aldmeris. The land that I am specifically addressing within this work is Man’s own ancestral home, Altmora which is otherwise known as Elder Wood [1].

Altmora, or Atmora, is a frozen landmass which can be found north of Skyrim across the Sea of Ghosts. There have been multiple expeditions to Atmora during the mid-late Third Era and it is said that the land is in a state of “permanent winter, with little life and no sign of human habitation.”[3]. Legends say that men came to Tamriel from Atmora which once had “distant green summers” and “chilling green shores” during the Mythic Era [4] before turning into the frozen wasteland it is now.

Another legend however tells of a different story of the origin of men stating that the sky exhaled the North Wind unto the land and formed them at the Throat of the World, which is known in modern times as Skyrim [5].

As you can see we have two conflicting origin stories of Men, one that tells us of an Atmoran origin and one that states of a Tamrielic origin. As much as we like to attribute it to unreliable sources and the bardic culture of Ancient Nords, I have found compelling evidence that these two contradicting stories not only coincide with each other but it also reveals a secret. The origin of Man reveals the origin of Mer and lifts the veil off the mystery of Aldmeris.

The Altmer, whose ancestors were the Aldmers and the Old Ehlnofey, believe that Mer’s origin began in Aldmeris, which coincidentally translates to Old Ehlnofey (Ancestors of the Ancient Mer) in Ehlnofex. However a few tomes say otherwise and tells of a story which places the origins of Mer to be Altmora where Auri-El establishes the first kingdom of Old Ehlnofey [6][7].

The ancestors of Men, the Wandering Ehlnofey, were also mentioned to have come in contact with the Old Ehlnofey in Altmora. According to texts, the Old Ehlnofey did not welcome the Wandering Ehlnofey when they arrived which led to a war breaking out between them [8]. During this war between the Old Ehlnofey and the Wandering Ehlnofey, the warrior-god Shor was said to have led the Wandering Ehlnofey to victory against the Old Ehlnofey and drove them out of Altmora [6][7]. The Aldmers would then set sail north of Altmora eventually reaching the Summerset Archipelago escaping Shor and his army of ancient men.

This has lead me to theorize that Altmora and Aldmeris are one and the same continent which supports some claims made by the Altmer that Mer and Men originate from the same place which is Altmora/Aldmeris.


My extensive research into these two mythical lands has lead me to conclude that Aldmeris is not lost and is actually the very land we refer to as Atmora. The following is a rough timeline of the events of Aldmeris/Altmora during the Merethic/Mythic Era.

[i] Auri-El establishes Altmora for the Old Ehlnofey.
[ii] The sky (Kyne) gives form to the Wandering Ehlnofey in modern day Skyrim.
[iii] The Wandering Ehlnofey travel north to Altmora and find the Old Ehlnofey.
[iv] The Ehlnofey Wars begin.
[v] The Old Ehlnofey and their Aldmer kin are driven out of Aldmeris/Altmora.
[vi] The Aldmer discover Auridon in the Summerset Archipelago.
[vii] The Wandering Ehlnofey and their Atmoran descendents claim Altmora.
[viii] The Atmorans launch an expedition to Tamriel to escape ever-worsening climate [9].


I propose we immediately reallocate two expedition teams to Skyrim to begin establishing a research outpost that will flagship an expedition to Atmora as well as open up renegotiations with the College of Winterhold to form an alliance. The newly appointed Arch-Mage may consider what the late Arch-Mage Savos Aren would not once we put forth my theorem and findings about Atmora and its relation to Aldmeris as well as providing them assistance with dealing with the Magical Anomalies that have since popped up. In the event the College accepts an alliance we can begin coordinating expedition teams into Atmora in conjunction with the hopes of finding any traces of ancient mer society. I also propose we bring this dissertation to the Elder Council as soon as time allows. It should not be hard to entice them on a possibility of holding political clout against the Aldmeri Dominion.

If my theory proves correct imagine the possible findings the Synod would be accredited for. Old Ehlnofey and Wandering Ehlnofey artefacts within our possession would guarantee our authority in magic within the Empire, not to mention the political power the Synod Grand Council would hold over the Imperial Elder Council and even the Aldmeri Dominion itself.


[1] Before the Ages of Men
[2] The Lay of Firsthold
[3] Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Atmora
[4] Songs of the Return Series
[5] Children of the Sky
[6] Varieties of Faith in the Empire
[7] The Monomyth
[8] The Annotated Annuad
[9] Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Other Lands