PELINAL - Testing Journal and System Specs - Per Chief Councillor of Extra-liminal Manipulations and Interstitial interventions

###Foreword Herein are the research notes of Chief Councillor Lorani Hexatius, head of Extra-liminal Manipulations and Interstitial Interventions. The notes are dated 7E 1037, and refer to testings of the Prototype Extra-Liminal Interstitial Nirnian Assault Lattice between Morning Star and Evening Star of that year.

#Extra-Liminal Interstitial Nirnian Assault Lattice (Prototype version 0.12.01b) The engineers inform me that field tests of the Assault Lattice - which they have taken to calling Pelinal, for convenience and, I suspect, affection - have begun.
I very much look forward to their reports - and I especially look forward to conveying news of success to chancellor Arithmanio, after so many years of failiure and wasted credits.

###System-specs and important information (I note these here for my own benefit, as the biofabricant architects beseeched me to keep them in mind as test results start coming in... This honestly makes me more than a little suspicious)

Unit| Specifications
| - | - Fuel Core | Three Grand Soulgems, placed stratetically within the head, chest, and right servo-arm respectively.^+ Skeletal Frame | The skeletal frame is constructed of Lorkimium#5.7, that is to say 83% ebony, 4% gold, 6% moonstone, 3% coal, and 4% orichalcum Flesh Frame Substitute | 27% netch blubber, 13% Hist marrow, 60% water ^£ Outer Shell (skin) frame substitute | Bullnetch leather, boiled in nirnroot juice.^¤

  • +The architects inform me that each soul gem is enchanted to function freely of the others. If one unit, the head for instance, becomes separated from the entirety, it should remain functional for several hours after the dismemberment.
  • £ This was all horrendously expensive, but the biofabricant architects assure me that it was all necessary to create an authentic look. I pray to The Heart that they're right, else it's coming out of their pay! Furthermore; I am also told that netch blubber has a tendency to build to an electric voltage which could interfere with the enchantments of the prototype... And I was told this information would be reassuring...
  • ¤ I am told it produces a skin similar to the lorkhani of the 2-3E time. Or at least close enough as to fool them.

###Prototype Testing Journal: Morning Star 5

It has been discovered that during times of stress - usually caused by having to reroute soulfuel from non-essential system to self-mending functions - the prototype AI has a tendency to deteriorate greatly, and enter RAMPANCY.
During these bouts, anthroponalysis systems reach critical deficiency ratings, and the prototype was even observed to persue a Lorkhani engineer (thankfully these tests were conducted before weaponization, and I am informed that architect Malkorian will have fully recovered by the end of First Seed). The recommended cause of action is to allow the Prototype to engage in continuous combat simulations until the analysis systems fully recover on their own.

###Prototype Testing Journal: Sun's Height 15

Testing of the anthroponalytic systems remains frustrating.
After the incident with Malkorian, it was deemed appropiate to have a cat surgeon immediately ready on testing site. This, however, proved to be a fatal miscalculation...
At the sight of the khajiit, the anthronalysis enchants failed as PELINAL, still weaponless, proceeded to hammer its servo-arm into the poor cat's face with a screeching series of bleeps and beeps to accompany the bludgeoning. When the engineers finally disabled the prototype, the cat surgeon was reduced to pulp, and it took several hours for the sanitation factotums to clean up - and for the engineers to recover their startled senses.
I'm sure chancellor Arithmanio will have choice words to say with the Enchanter's Guild after this incident!

P.S. I was later informed that the binary screeching of the prototype roughly translate as "All mer must die!" with a mixture of words like "exterminate", "obliterate", and "un-make" mixed in for effect. Setting aside some of its cognitive malfunctions, the Assault Lattice is certainly proving efficient.

###Prototype Testing Journal: Frostfall 27

SUCCESS! To some degree anyhow.
The anthronalysis enchanters inform me that the Assault Lattice can now distinguish between merish and lorkhani with a success rate of 87.31%. Which, they assure me, is as good as its going to get.

All that remains now is working with the Council of Extra-liminal Ethics and Jill Conventions. A war fought with committees and bureaucracy.
On that account chancellor Arithmanio informs me that while the ethics council seem ethusiastic to the PELINAL intervention, the laws set forth by the Jill Convention of 873 are proving... difficult.

I solemnly hope that these narrow-minded rules won't kill off our project. Curse the fool that took jill manipulation lightly! I'd hate to see that ridiculous mixup with the camoran family line be the end of the PELINAL project.