AT-SEHTI-ET The Spirit of Balance or He-Who-Imitates the Waking World.

The Verse of Character-Shaping: Magickal Verse with 7,7,7 syllable structure

Strong, Wise, and Cunning am I.

Tradition dies and I thrive.

Suffering brings transcendence,

Paving the way for glory.

My image of excellence,

Mesmerising to behold,

Enchants the mind of mortals.

Vast and untold intellect

Permeates my soul with vigour

Refined, I am made purer,

Refined, I am made stronger,

Refined, I am made wiser.

An ignited crown holds my will,

Anu is made manifest.

Twin trees stand loftily there,

Dwelling in a perfect place,

One wears a colourless crown,

The other veiled in shadow.

Standing between life and death,

Eating their eternal fruit,

I am reborn as mystic.

Padhome’s daemons my left,

Anu’s angels to my right.

Hands burnt in sacrality,

They wield celestial magicks,

Calling spirits to my side.

I am marked as Balanced Lord,

Choosing neither Light nor Dark.

The bright crown pronounces me Lord,

Divine flame rests on my head,

Wreathed in aphotic shadow,

A pure caliginous crown,

Radiates with the god-power,

And brings all under my sway,

AT-SEHTI-ET is my name.

Behold the bold Medial Lord.

He who chases away result,

And causes ambition to flee,

Made glorious in truest will,

Expressed via authority,

Of mastered powers unseen.

I am spirit made crude flesh.

Marred feet walk the razor path,

Gladly shredded to defy pain,

Hewing me into god-flesh,

Making me stronger in soul,

With noble ideology.

Witness the seared flesh sloughing,

Witness frozen hands grasp truth.

Wearing the sad mortal mask,

AT-SEHTI-ET removes it,

Revealing the mystic name,

An enchantment and dire spell,

Which brings low all who hear it.

I tear off my face gladly,

Letting divine magick reign.

Diarch of the grim Shadow Crown,

Crowned in umbral shadow-flame,

My twin knows eternity,

And swallows aeons in death.

His name AT-AKHU-ELAR,

Sounds through Padhome’s daemons,

Crushing daemons wild and fierce.

Twin stands as Magus and King,

Twinned diarch glorious and blessed,

Whose form is chimerical,

Anointed with fire and shadow,

One half of the good diarchy.

Our crowns rest in holy peace,

Peace is goodwill incarnated.

Dominion is in the blood,

Power depends on belief

The pure Heavens are above,

The divine sparks are within,

Daemons left and Angels right,

Two trees command this weak world,

Eat their fruits to gain wisdom.

The ending of the Words is AT-SEHTI-ET