Dragon Break Dynamics

Jills and Quantum Mechanics

The entity we know as spacetime can be thought of as maddened fusion of Aka and Lorkhan, written AkaLorkh for short. As conjectured in a previous post, Dragon Breaks occur from pushing Lorkhan and Aka too close together; Mannimarco’s statement supports this notion by listing the Shezzarines. Within a relativistic framework, squashing Aka and Lorkhan together can be accomplished by pushing a material object to the speed of light, forcing space and time to become null.

In this post, I will attempt to highlight some of the inner mechanics of Dragon Breaks. The full explanation requires introducing quantum mechanical notions into the picture, as no material object can travel at the speed of light within the framework of GR: the theory, much like Aka himself, fails miserably at doing its job in this limit. Before we begin, I’d like to point out a few interesting facts regarding Dragon Breaks:

  • They are purely localized in Space.

  • Everything and nothing happens all at once over a span of (potentially instantaneous) eons. This is the state of the causality-free Dawn, most likely dual to the state of Untime in Aetherius. Outside the region of the Break, Time continues to flow linearly.

  • The Jills patch up the mess, leading to potential inconsistencies. The bigger the Break, the longer they take to fix it.

The above notions strongly suggest that a Dragon Break occurs when Aka’s psyche doubts its existence, Echoing his higher gradient in the process. This madness manifests as Time becoming completely traversable, just like any other Spatial dimension. Since causality is out the window, Time becomes another axis which is fully accessible to everyone localized in the Break.

This is exactly analogous to what happens to quantum particles in the sum-over-histories interpretation of quantum mechanics. A quantum system goes from point A to B by taking all possible paths through spacetime at once, and the resulting history of worldlines is an entangled, knotted mess of every possible spacetime trajectory. Quantum dynamics are extracted from this process by assigning a value to each path called a phase. This phase is an angle, and is deeply tied to wave mechanics, and is correlated to the likelihood of a specific path occurring. When one takes the final quantum mechanical calculation to compute the resulting trajectory, one multiplies all paths by their corresponding phases; summing the resultant products leads to the final quantized worldline composed of the most likely possibilities.

How does this translate to a Dragon Break? Within the region of Broken Dragon, all possible trajectories going from the time just before the Break until the time after occur. The Jills arrive on the scene to cure Aka’s madness, and need to un-knot the tangle of worldlines within the region. They do so by treating the worldlines, AkaLorkh’s very fibers, as waves, reducing them to another Sensorial perception like Color and Sound. The Jills compute the probabilities of each path existing, and attach a phase to them. Worldline waves that are more coherent or closer to each other add constructively and reinforce each other’s existences, while wildly different histories cancel through destructive interference. Once the sum-over-histories is computed, the Jills consolidate the timeline into its final result, allowing the wounded AkaLorkh to continue its task. The severity of the Break determines how much each possible event interferes with the other events nearby. The resulting timeline is one that is as consistent as possible from an outside perspective; those involved in the Break will have conflicting memories of what happened, and even of how their lives compared before and after the Break.

Spoken differently, Time, in becoming a fully accessible dimension, becomes another Sense, and the mortals of Nirn are able to experience it (not comprehend, mind you) in its full glory: madness bestowed by Aka’s broken mind within AkaLorkh. Overall, it can be characterized by corresponding Sensory frequencies and phases associated to significant timelines. Moving out of the Break requires the transition back to the classical (non-quantum) realm, naturally implying the Jills to be quantum worldline mergers and observers, associated with the Feynman Path Integral as h → 0.